Enter to Win a Kindle eReader

Enter to Win a Kindle eReader

4 Years of the Writers' Mastermind! It's been 4 years since I launched the Writers' Mastermind during the cabin fever and panic of the 2020 COVID pandemic. Since then, our collective has written online over 500 hours together. We've been together through the ups and...

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From Fear to Fun: Embracing Enthusiasm in Fiction Writing

From Fear to Fun: Embracing Enthusiasm in Fiction Writing

In our last post, we talked about letting fear pass through us so we can move forward. This week, we learn to harness to enthusiasm. I'm sure I've said this too many times in meetings, videos, blogs, and newsletters—once we stop having fun with writing, our reader...

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#1 Enemy of Writers

#1 Enemy of Writers

We've talked about perfectionism, rejection, and the mysterious phenomenon of self-sabotage when it comes to committing to developing our creative potential. But if we dig down to the core of most issues that keep us stuck, the culprit is fear. Fear is insidious. It...

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Writing Against the Odds

Writing Against the Odds

What are the chances you'll become a successful fiction writer? In our last post, we talked about Turning Rejections into Success and surviving artistic losses by benefiting from what they force us to learn. Today, we will talk about becoming mentally and emotionally...

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Using Criticism to Grow as a Writer

Using Criticism to Grow as a Writer

When we write a book (especially if we did it right) we bare our hearts in it. So when someone criticizes our work, even if it's unfounded, it wounds a deep part of us that doesn't have the capability of rationalizing it away or laughing it off. It hurts. Many people...

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Author Year-End Review 2022

Author Year-End Review 2022

You’re invited! Each year, the Writers’ Mastermind gets together to review our wins and failures and declare our intentions for the next year.

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7 Signs Perfectionism is Ruining Your Writing

7 Signs Perfectionism is Ruining Your Writing

This year, I published my first full-length novel called Oblivion Black. Members of the Writers' Mastermind witnessed me slaving over this manuscript in our weekly co-writing sessions since our virtual writing group began two years ago. They also know that I have been...

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Live Reading: Universal Justice by Brenda Wilkins

Live Reading: Universal Justice by Brenda Wilkins

Brenda Wilkins reads an excerpt from Universal Justice, a thriller with a scifi twist. Wrongly accused of murder and rape, Brian has been sitting on death row for three years. Once known as the black Walter Cronkite, he now recalls how his nightmare began.

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How Fiction Shapes Reality

How Fiction Shapes Reality

Originally published in The Writing Cooperative—This is for all the fiction writers out there. You’re not mere entertainers. You shape reality.

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11 Questions with Sam Szanto

11 Questions with Sam Szanto

We talk to Sam Szanto, author of second place winner, If No One Speaks. Sam is an accomplished writer and poet, whose had nearly 40 stories and poems published and listed in competitions.

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11 Questions with Yong Takahashi

11 Questions with Yong Takahashi

Today we talk to Yong Takahashi, author of The Elements. You’ll learn about her struggles as a Korean immigrant and how she writes all her drafts in longhand on pink legal pads.

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The Best Writing Contests and How to Apply–Kindlepreneur

The Best Writing Contests and How to Apply–Kindlepreneur

The Writers Mastermind Short Story Contest is thrilled to be among the best writing contests listed on Dave Chesson's Kindlepreneur website. Add these contest deadlines to your calendar and get your stories ready! This article also provides tips on how to submit and...

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The Elements by Yong Takahashi – Short Story Contest Finalist

The Elements by Yong Takahashi – Short Story Contest Finalist

When does life begin? Does it start in the air as the breeze carries a lover’s call? Does it start in earth as warm bodies roll around in the soft grass? Does it start with fire as a look ignites new possibilities? Does it start in water as the amniotic sac explodes and pushes us out into the world?

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Short Story Contest WINNERS

Short Story Contest WINNERS

Hello, writers! We are proud to announce the shortlist for the Writers Mastermind Short Story Contest. This has been the most extraordinary year. We had nearly 200 entries. The stories we received were amazing. Thanks to our panel of judges, and thank you all for your...

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Short Story Contest SHORTLIST 2/23/22

Short Story Contest SHORTLIST 2/23/22

Hello, writers! We are proud to announce the shortlist for the Writers Mastermind Short Story Contest. Thank you all for your patience. Congratulations to all those who made it. NOTE: These are in alphabetical order. Final results coming soon! 9,066 Soup – CJ Anderson...

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