It’s time for the annual Writers’ Mastermind Live Reading Challenge
What is it?
Each attending writer will read up to 5 minutes of their work on video. It can be a published work or an excerpt of a work-in-progress. Flash fiction, short stories, chapters of novels of any genre are all welcome (please, nothing extremely graphic).
Recorded readings will be done on the live Mastermind Zoom call or can be pre-recorded by the author and sent in to be published on our blog, newsletter, and social media.
Why do it?
- Video is the best way to connect with your audience. They can both see and hear you and get to know your work on an intimate level.
- Learning to read to your audience will prepare you for publicity events (social media lives, book signings, etc.)
- We know many authors feel uncomfortable putting themselves out there—not just on video, but in any form. By accepting this challenge with us, you will break through resistance when it comes to promoting and sharing your work.
- Your live reading will shared on our website, social media, and mailing list, giving you and your writing free exposure and opening you up to new readers, friends, and followers.
This is a great opportunity to have some fun, step out of your comfort zone, and become part of a collaborative project with all the writers in the community.
When is it?
- Wednesday December 11th 11:00 AM EST
Tips On Choosing Your Excerpt
- 5 minutes of reading is approximately 1,000 words
- Do a practice reading beforehand to time yourself
- Your excerpt can be slightly under or over 5 minutes to end the reading in a good spot
How to join the mash-up
- If you haven’t already, sign up for your Free Trial at the Writers’ Mastermind online writing group.
- If you are already a member, details will be sent out before the event.
- Please comment below, or contact christa@letsgetpublished.com with any questions you may have.
Note: if you have a disability that prevents you from reading, we have volunteers to read for you. Please reach out at christa@letsgetpublished.com.
🦃 Have a Happy Thanksgiving and see you there! See you there!
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