This year, we did The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron in the Writers’ Mastermind.
In the fourth part of the process, we worked on recovering our sense of integrity. Integrity means living according to your truth. Today, we talk about making changes in our lives that align with our innermost beliefs.
In this section, Julia Cameron goes into depth about the importance of morning pages. Morning pages are three pages of stream of consciousness writing before doing anything else. In them, we articulate feelings we weren’t aware we had. Anyone who’s journaled knows this.
Even in writing fiction, a writer discovers things about themselves they never knew. Desires, fantasies, dreams, rants, and even past trauma can bubble up through our characters.
It’s often when hard truths come to light that we avoid writing. We don’t want to be faced with the fact that we need to make hard changes.
Once we discover what we are not really “okay” about certain aspects of our lives, it’s up to us to then change them.
We must throw away the old relationships, possessions, ideas, and habits that are keeping us stuck.
Once you free yourself, you free your creativity.
You make room for the things that make you excited to be alive.
The end of the year is the perfect time to think about the changes we need to make.
What’s holding you back from being your freest, most creative self?
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