Many fiction writers are curious about AI but are unsure of how, if, and when to use it. Artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly, offering new opportunities and tools that can help authors with production and marketing. However, there are ethical considerations around how AI should and should not be utilized.

Join us in the Writers’ Mastermind with writing coach and author Dan Soule for a thoughtful 90-minute discussion about the role of AI in fiction writing. Dan will demonstrate some AI tools that can help authors. He’ll also lead an open conversation around setting ethical boundaries.


Monday, March 18th at 11am ET / 3pm UK

Check your time zone


Zoom (recorded replay, notes, and resources will be available after session)


Free for Writers’ Mastermind members (Not a member? Click here.)

$19 for non-members CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS

Topics we’ll explore may include:

  • What is AI and what are its potential uses?
  • Best practices for using AI ethically, and effectively.
  • The use of AI tools to create book covers and marketing copy.
  • AI in editing tools like ProWritingAid and Grammarly .
  • Using AI as a tool to analyze existing stories to better understand effective plot structure and character development.
  • Using AI as a tool to analyze your stories to better understand your style and voice and place in the market.
  • Bring your own questions!

There will be opportunities for attendees to ask questions and share their perspectives.

If you’re curious about AI and want to explore its impact on fiction writers, join this Zoom video chat on March 18th.

About Your Host, Dan Soule

Dan is a horror author who was an academic, but the sentences proved too long and the words too obscure. Northern Ireland is where he now lives. But he was born in England and raised in Byron’s hometown, which the bard hated but Dan does not. They named every other road after Byron. As yet no roads are named after Dan, but several children are. Dan has published five novels and fifty short stories, and also works as a research writing trainer at many universities around the UK, Ireland and Norway.

Note: This post has been updated on Feb. 28, 2024 to reflect correct time.