How will you be ready to write your best book, deliver a kick ass pitch to an agent, or rewrite your manuscript before your publisher’s deadline?
By being ready.
I’m not talking about having all your files edited to perfection.
I’m talking about being mentally and physically prepared for anything.
Without mental and physical health, we can’t even remember that our reading glasses are on our heads much less shine for an unexpected opportunity.
This is simple, but it isn’t easy. Make these things a priority every day.
- exercise
- deep sleep
- nutritious food
- downtime doing something you enjoy
- mental cleansing (could be meditation, could be wailing at a punching bag)
- time with people whose company lights you up
We writers get obsessed with our ideas and let them run us into the ground.
The human body and mind can only take so much, and if we let ourselves get burned out, it means we won’t have the energy or mental resources to be ready when a big break strikes.
On Sunday, or whenever you have your day off, invest in the vehicles that make writing possible.
Happy Writing!
P.S. A huge thanks to all the participants in our writing contest. It was a wild success! Stay tuned for the results in the coming month.
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