by | Jun 28, 2021 | Dear Writer, Member Monday, Member News, Uncategorized
Every other Monday, we introduce you to a writer from the Writers’ Mastermind. Today we are excited to have Patty Lesser. She has backpacked the world, plays Texas hold ’em, and writes everything from murder mysteries to scifi to dark paranormal fantasy and...
by | Apr 26, 2021 | Dear Writer, Member Monday, Member News, Uncategorized
Watch Bia Bella Baker talk about her new YA Sci-fi Fantasy on YouTube Each week, we are going to introduce you to a writer from the Writers’ Mastermind. Today, we have Bia Bella Baker, author of YA Sci-fi Fantasy Hecctrossipy, which is FREE on Amazon for the...
by | Apr 13, 2021 | Dear Writer, Grammar Demystified, Self-editing, Uncategorized
By Candace Johnson from Change It Up Edit An appositive is a modifier. It’s a noun or noun phrase that immediately follows another noun or noun phrase to further define it. You probably use appositives all the time without even realizing it....
by | Apr 7, 2021 | Dear Writer, Uncategorized
I know how you’re feeling. You’re afraid to look at it. You’re afraid you won’t know how to fix it. That draft. Yep, it’s a mess. Plot holes, limp dialogue, caricatures instead of characters, and a shallow theme that plays like a bad soundtrack throughout the story....
by | Jan 19, 2021 | Dear Writer, Live Readings, Member News, Uncategorized
WATCH VIDEO ON YOUTUBE 10 Writers read excerpts from their latest work for the Writers’ Mastermind Mash-up 2020! Sample a wide variety of new, groundbreaking fiction in a scope of genres from around the world. Tia Wojciechowski/Bia Bella Baker...
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