by | Jan 19, 2021 | Dear Writer, Live Readings, Member News, Uncategorized
WATCH VIDEO ON YOUTUBE 10 Writers read excerpts from their latest work for the Writers’ Mastermind Mash-up 2020! Sample a wide variety of new, groundbreaking fiction in a scope of genres from around the world. Tia Wojciechowski/Bia Bella Baker...
by | Nov 30, 2020 | Dear Writer, Uncategorized
You’ve wanted to write all your life. You have stories to tell. And you know you have something special that deserves recognition. You want to find your place in the world of fiction. But you’re struggling… How do you get from where you are to where you are meant to...
by | Oct 20, 2020 | Dear Writer, Member News, Uncategorized
Groundbreaking YA Fantasy from The Writing Collective We at the Writers’ mastermind are celebrating the release of the first in what is sure to be an unforgettable series, Hecctrossipy Book One: The Legend of the Land. This genre-bending YA Fantasy is by...
by | Apr 14, 2020 | Dear Writer, Uncategorized
Originally published on The Writing Cooperative. Most of us have experienced true fear or anxiety on some level — whether it was a close scrape with danger, a rollercoaster ride, or the general anxiety our brains subject us too. But with coronavirus, we are all facing...
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