Anyone can publish a book, but few authors are successful. According to this article on, Worldometers says that 2.2 million titles were published globally in 2021. What can self-published authors do to compete in such a huge market?

Writing a fiction novel is an amazing achievement. Your future fans are waiting for your story, but your book needs to be strategically positioned and marketed to sell. However, many authors rush into self-publishing without proper research and planning.

Howard VanEs from talks about how to prepare and position our fiction books for self-publishing success on Amazon and other distributors (and even become a bestseller)!

Howard VanEs

Howard VanEs is President of Let’s Write Books, Inc., a company specializing in working with independent authors providing publishing and book marketing services. Howard has over thirty-five years of writing experience in every format imaginable, including writing thirty-three books of his own. Many of his books have been number one in their respective categories on Amazon.

Howard has also ghostwritten numerous books of others in a wide variety of genres ranging from non-fiction to books for kids to novels.  

His experience includes the marketing and creation of information products: reports, eBooks, workbooks, DVD’s, audio programs, etc.  Howard is also the former owner and creative director of an award-winning ad agency.

Here are some topics we’ll cover:

  • Is there a market for my book?
  • Getting titles and subtitles right
  • Descriptions (what’s the formula for a good description?)
  • Cover design
  • Interior design
  • Editing
  • Distribution and formats
  • Marketing
  • Bring your own questions for Howard


Monday, May 23, 2022

11:30 AM EST – 04:30 LONDON

This will be a live Zoom Meeting. Recording will be available for replay.



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