Every other Monday, we introduce you to a writer from the Writers’ Mastermind. Today we are excited to present Christie Adams. She is a storyteller, blogger, podcaster and videographer who writes short stories, children’s books, mysteries, thrillers, YA novels, and even erotica.

Christie is also the host of our Time Management for Writers Masterclass, available in the Writers Mastermind.

Learn how Christie left the rat race to pursue a life she loves and why she says that mid-life is anything but a crisis.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? Where are you now? What has your life been like?

I’m a Yorkshire woman, over 50, rebellious grandmother and global online entrepreneur. Storyteller, blogger, podcaster, videographer, motivational and creativity coach, eco advocate, travel addict (on hold right now) and multi-passionate ‘squirrel.’

Whilst bringing up my family, as a single mum, and working full time, I completed a BA Hons in Literature.
I didn’t want to settle for something I knew wouldn’t be fulfilling or rewarding, but leaving the rat race was a hard decision.
Since age 13 I’d always had a pay slip, a regular income. There’s been tears, doubts, rebellion even anger.
I’ve come out the other side and I’ve never been happier!

In my teens…
left home, joined the army and then left again to start buying my first home. I worked two jobs, and spent Saturday nights from 2am until 8am at the cinema watching Kung Fu films.
In my 20s…
worked hard, partied hard – well maybe a little. Moved from my first apartment to a house with a garden and had no idea what I wanted to do when I grew up.
In my 30s…
moved house again, became a single parent to my awesome daughter. Adopted a dog, a big dog! Faced redundancy, a few times, got promoted, and still didn’t know what I wanted to do when I grew up.
Volunteered for the YHA, painted hostels, worked with teenagers. I read to nursery children each week. My first official taste of giving back in the community.
Promotion and redundancy and led to numerous pivots in direction.
In my 40s…
realised my career wasn’t what I wanted to do ‘when I grew up’ so I went back into education, still working full time to afford the fees. After 6 years of deadlines and assignments I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Literature, oh and trained as a swimming teacher.
Adopted a dog, a different loopy dog, and volunteered as a mentor for teenagers and students.
In my 50s…
having gone through yet more pivots and changes. I got married. Became a grandmother. Moved to another town, co-incidentally ending up back where I was born.
I was yet again offered a change in role. You may notice a theme here! This time I decided to take the redundancy offer.
I took a gap year, travelled, wrote fiction and had family time.
Some of my life’s changes were my choice, some certainly came out of the blue and were well beyond my control. I’ve been there, done it, acquired quite a few t-shirts but I’ll tell you now it certainly wasn’t all plain sailing.
Sometimes it was downright scary.
Anyway, I’m super proud to tell you I’ve learned to embrace change and now move forward with optimism and confidence.
In my 60s…
Watch this space!


2. What kind of stories do you write?

I write short stories, children’s books, mystery, thriller and YA novels, and even erotica.

3. What sets you apart from other writers in your space?

I believe passionately that everyone should use their voice. Mine is no better than another but is unique. We bring our own experiences, culture, perceptions, imagination and opinions to all our work.
The more I write, the more I’m confident to allow my own voice be heard.

4. What drives your writing? What do you mean to accomplish with your stories?

My ‘Why’ is to support my family. I’d love to buy my daughter a home, it’s so difficult to get on the property ladder in the UK.
I have always been a book addict, so writing them was a natural development.

My grand-babies love being part of the process too, and I’m thrilled to have instilled a love of books in them too.
If I get a chance to mention my beloved Yorkshire I will.
So far, I’ve written ‘escapism’ books to allow people to enjoy a fictional world. I am working on various non-fiction books.

My book ‘Well Really, Fairy Rose, by Ruby and Angelica Brave’ was the most ‘important’ book for me on a personal level.
I want all children to see themselves in books. I commissioned an artist to base the main character on photographs of my mixed-race grandbaby. Diversity in books is improving but still a long way to go. WRFR encourages care for the planet and nature without being ‘preachy.’

5. Who are you favourite writers and books? What are your other creative influences?

I studied literature and over the years have read so many I can’t pick one favourite. I do love The Color Purple, Jane Eyre and other classics.

The recent books that have blown my mind are Sapiens and Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari. I will at some point read his others, but they are truly life changing.

Peter James writes great detective novels. I’ve just discovered Gregg Hurwitz who is a genius at page-turning thrillers. Stieg Larsson books are dark but inspire me to embrace a darker story.

6. Do you write in silence? Background noise? Or music? What kind?

Depends on what I’m writing. I can’t write fiction is anything with lyrics is playing. If I play music, classical, instrumental, even whale music I cut off anyway and don’t hear it as I’m deep inside the world of my characters.
If I’m doing admin etc I listen to podcasts.

7. What is your favourite thing to do when you are not writing?

Toddler wrangling, board games, Top Trumps or drawing on Procreate with my grandbabies. We also have a great game of storytelling. We each get a couple of sentences and then take turns to build a story. I hope it’s helping them know it’s OK to have fun with words. We also watch Tiktok together. I love that they know their Nannan works on social media, so they see a positive side.

Helping my daughter as she builds her new business.
Knitting, sewing, rock painting, creative stuff.
TV, addicted to real crime, NCIS, Law & Order etc.

8. Who is your current celebrity crush?

Along with the other 5 million, @taylor_thatdancer on Tiktok.

It’s important to remember that fiction is not desire or ambition. The darkest fiction is often written by the most generous and settled writers. By allowing our shadow side to be indulged in our writing, we release from our ‘real’ world.

9. Why do you think it’s important to write fiction?

It’s important to remember that fiction is not desire or ambition. The darkest fiction is often written by the most generous and settled writers. By allowing our shadow side to be indulged in our writing, we release from our ‘real’ world.

Books have power. It can be a way to give a political or revolutionary thought. Story can be life changing or life affirming. It can also just be a good read. It doesn’t always have to be ‘important.’

I have no idea why I love it, but I will always make things up.

10. Who would be the best writer, alive or dead, to tell the story of your life?

Great question. Stephen Fry does ridiculously well researched books and makes the facts easily understandable. I guess me, coz there’s so much that others don’t know. Lately I have been thinking of writing a bio. Kafka, too dark. Attwood, I’m too humble. Dickens would be fun, just to show he can write good women after all.

11. What are you working on right now?

Lol! Erotica, as it’s bringing some money in. Editing (ugh) my next thriller. A business planning book. A children’s book.
I’ve also got a book that I’m writing twice. No idea if it’ll work, but I’m toning it down to a YA book, and making it extremely dark as a post-apocalyptic horror.

Ashes – A Jezzabelle Jones Mystery

A warehouse fire leaves a homeless military veteran dead. In his pocket a dog-eared birthday card, and a faded photograph of a young girl.

Jezzabelle ‘Belle’ Jones, insurance investigator, is surprised when she’s trusted with the case. It could finally lead to her long-awaited promotion. Her instincts tell her this fire wasn’t an accident.

When her boss comes under pressure from the wealthy warehouse owner, she’s told to close the case quickly.
She knows she should follow the rules, but Belle’s never liked doing as she’s told.

She calls on Barnaby ‘Mac’ St John, a reclusive ex-firefighter, to help her work out what happened. The little girl in the photograph deserves answers.

Then there’s another fatal fire… Can Belle keep her job long enough to catch the arsonist? How many more people will die before she solves the case?

This first Jezzabelle Jones murder mystery is set in Yorkshire, England. If you love crime solving duos, this new pairing will not disappoint.

June 2021 – This version is a rewrite and edit. It is the same story, but the book has been improved overall for the reader’s enjoyment. Link: https://books2read.com/ashesmystery

Connect with Christie Adams

Podcast: Midlife Isn’t A Crisis
Facebook Group: Midlife Isn’t A Crisis

Thank you, Christie!

Check out Christie’s amazing masterclass in the members area. It’s free with your 30-day trial to the Writers Mastermind.

In Time Management for Writers with writing coach Christie Adams, we discuss how to:

  • Build awareness around the habits and thought patterns that are draining your time and energy.
  • Get organized in a way that increases productivity and helps you avoid distractions.
  • Set boundaries around your writing life.
  • Use 10 Action Points to create more time and space for writing.

What’s included:

  • Time Management for Writers 35-page Workbook
  • 5 Part Video series
  • Support, motivation, and advice in our private Facebook Group
  • Live Mastermind Q&A with Christie Adams
  • Access to our live write-ins and all classes in the members area