by | Jun 24, 2019 | Dear Writer
The Let’s Get Published website and upcoming online mastermind for writers are all about taking action and actually getting published. It took me years to have the guts to submit my work, and I regret having wasted so much time beginning to establish my name....
by | Jun 23, 2019 | Dear Writer
How will you be ready to write your best book, deliver a kick ass pitch to an agent, or rewrite your manuscript before your publisher’s deadline? By being ready. I’m not talking about having all your files edited to perfection. I’m talking about...
by | Jun 21, 2019 | Dear Writer
Hey writers, I’ll be sharing any great resources I find on Dear Writer. We’d all love to be getting our work out there, but it’s hard to keep track of writing contests and submission deadlines. Today I want to introduce you to
by | Jun 20, 2019 | Dear Writer
Many writers have huge to-do lists along with families, jobs, household duties, and social obligations. Sometimes, life doesn’t allow us to get in our writing time. We get depressed. We snap at people. We are suffering from writing withdrawals. Our creative...
by | Jun 19, 2019 | Dear Writer
I’m going to begin sharing some excerpts of the most astonishing writing I’ve ever come across. There are writers who entertain, and there are writers who drill to the core of the human heart. Leo Tolstoy is one of these legends that inspire me to go...
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