Writer’s Drift

Writer’s Drift

Do you write in fits and spurts? Do you only promote your work on occasion? Does life somehow always get in the way of your writing? This is Writer’s Drift. And guess what? It’s completely in your power to change. In fact, it’s your responsibility alone. Life is not...
Courting Your Story

Courting Your Story

Writing a story is like falling in love. And just like in a real relationship, things can get stale and boring. You might even end up in bed with another story idea. My article “Courting Your Story” was published in The Writing Cooperative this week. In...
Can I ask you a question?

Can I ask you a question?

What are your biggest challenges as a writer? Overcoming self-doubt? Creative blocks? Honing your writing skills? Getting honest, constructive feedback? Marketing and promoting yourself? Querying and publishing? The reason I ask is that I’d love to address...
Don’t trash that story!

Don’t trash that story!

Have you ever gotten halfway through writing a story and reached a dead zone? No matter what you did, you couldn’t get past it and just gave up? If you really didn’t think it was worth finishing (I mean, I don’t believe it, but it could happen), don’t trash it. It may...
Don’t worry, the ideas will come.

Don’t worry, the ideas will come.

Dear Writer, Are you afraid of running out of ideas? Don’t worry, the ideas will come. Create a space for them and they will fill it. Begin typing until something pops up. It might take one or two pages. It might be days or weeks. Trust the process. Keep going....