Writer’s Drift

Writer’s Drift

Do you write in fits and spurts? Do you only promote your work on occasion? Does life somehow always get in the way of your writing? This is Writer’s Drift. And guess what? It’s completely in your power to change. In fact, it’s your responsibility alone. Life is not...
Stop avoiding your draft

Stop avoiding your draft

Dear Writer, Are you avoiding a certain story? Yeah, you know the one. That messy jumble of words fermenting in your computer. The one you wrote in a manic whirlwind, salivating and wild eyed. The one that you just read and makes you want to cry. The first draft of...
Close the loops

Close the loops

Open loops are unfinalized tasks, all that ‘stuff’ you gotta do. They are the perfect distraction from writing and can be used to avoid hard work. Open loops are the BFF of procrastination and hog up valuable RAM in your brain that could be used to power...