by | Mar 15, 2023 | Dear Writer, Live Readings
Today, we are excited to feature Bia Bella Baker, a YA scifi author. She is a founding member of the Writers’ Mastermind and the author of the upcoming Hecctrossipy Series. Bia is a visually impaired author who recently appeared on The Writing Cooperative to talk...
by | Mar 8, 2023 | Dear Writer, Uncategorized
No one will respect your writing time if you don’t. Sometimes it’s hard to tell why we are doing something and even harder to figure out where to draw the line. For example, someone asks you for a favor during your writing time. You say yes, even though...
by | Dec 30, 2022 | Dear Writer, Live Readings
Today, we are excited to feature Clennell Anthony, a paranormal romance and fantasy author. She is a founding member of the Writers’ Mastermind and has been the host of our Wednesday and Saturday write-ins. “Nell” is a visually impaired author who recently...
by | Dec 15, 2022 | Dear Writer
This year, we did The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron in the Writers’ Mastermind. In the fourth part of the process, we worked on recovering our sense of integrity. Integrity means living according to your truth. Today, we talk about making changes in our...
by | Dec 8, 2022 | Dear Writer, Uncategorized, Writing Classes and Coaching
We are pleased to invite all fiction authors (published or unpublished) to our annual Author Year End Review for 2022. Now that we’re about to close out 2022, it’s important to process all that happened (or didn’t happen) for us as writers this year. We need to...
by | Dec 6, 2022 | Dear Writer, Live Readings
If you watched our first live readings in the Writers’ Mastermind, you will know that J.A. Cox is one of our most entertaining readers. Lady Death is back in this new scene from J.A. Cox’s upcoming action-packed scifi, Fulfilling a Vow, Looking for...
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