We can’t hope to get better without constant learning. Just like I pointed out in my article about the self-taught writer, our teacher isn’t qualified.
Part of The Ultimate Author Planning Workshop at the Writers’ Mastermind is to set monthly craft goals to improve our writing.
I’m a believer that if we keep gathering information on how to become better writers, we will reach a tipping point where everything works like magic.
One easy way to constantly improve our writing is by reading a writing book each month.
My pick this month is The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield.
I’ve heard this title going around for some time now, as if it’s begging for me to read it. I am not disappointed. The War of Art is just that, a war, and the war is against ourselves. I highly recommend it—not only for writers, but for anyone who is thinking about chasing a dream.
Will you be reading a book on improving your writing this month?
What are your favorite writing books?
Please share below.
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