Hello all you wonderful writers.
Amazing things have been going down at Let’s Get Published.
We had our Mixer Parties and finally had a chance to speak with those writers we’ve been texting, commenting, and emailing for years.
It’s truly remarkable to see all the faces and hear the voices of writers and bloggers we’ve been following for so long. It’s been especially important to connect over something we love in these times of pandemic and quarantine.
We also had two pre-launch Writers’ Mastermind chats, where wait list members joined on Zoom to discuss Turning Fear into Fiction and Having Fun with Writing Again. Something magical happens when we put our minds together and combine our ideas.
It’s time to support your fellow writers
We’re proud to say that our writers are making things happen. Stories are being published, books are being released, writing wisdom is being offered, submissions are opening. Have a look below and see what piques your interest. There is something for everyone.
David Antrobus’s “Vacation” is published by Storgy Literary Magazine

Vacation by David Antrobus – “The moment he throws the first jab, he’s conscious of a songbird out in the yard. As he feels the jarring impact and at least one of his knuckles coming apart, he imagines the bird trawling the very latticework of spring for a mate, indifferent to this uncoupling of some other kind of couple….” Read the full story on Storgy
Joe Sale comes out in Burnt Fur anthology, offers Epic Bootcamp to writers
Sit. Roll over. PLAY DEAD…
There are no good boys in this anthology, only twisted, deviant, and burnt encounters with animals, humans, and creatures that blur the line between the two.
The Epic Bootcamp Discount
The Epic Bootcamp is a course to help you tell bigger and better stories. Like Virgil once guided Dante through the circles of Hell, Joseph Sale will be your guide through the pitfalls of storytelling on a grand scale. With over 20+ books published (fiction under his name, and many ghost-written books), and years of academic and editing experience, you could wish for no better guide.
Mr. Sale will teach you how to:
- create epic protagonists your audience root for
- scale-up your stories and add depth to them
- create visions of hell and lead your hero through the
- and most importantly, how to end your stories in a way that will haunt your readers forever.
Regular price £99
Ross Jeffery’s “Tethered” Available for Preorder, “Juniper” Nominated for Award
Tethered explores the fractured relationship of a father and son. Each story is told with unflinching and honest prose that is both hard hitting and heartrending. These stories delve into themes of toxic masculinity, love, hope, despair, domestic violence, sexuality, weakness and overcoming oppression. Tethered also asks the bigger question of ‘do we ever escape the harm our parents do to us; or do we go through life marred and influenced from our upbringing.

ALSO: Ross Jeffery’s first release, Juniper, was nominated for Sabotage Reviews’ #SabAwards20!
Tia Wojciechowski Signs with The Writing Collective for Hectrossippy

My Zoom co-host and sister, Tia Wojciechowski (aka Bia Bella Baker), has just signed with The Writing Collective to publish her pre-industrial YA fantasy Hectrossippy to be released September 2020!
Susan Holt’s The Heart Casts No Shadow earning 5 star reviews
Will Rhonwyn free her heart and her people, or become the pawn of the most dangerous man ever seen?
When her skill at a complex strategy game gives her a way into the palace, Rhonwyn becomes the eyes and ears of the Resistance.
She’s there to help bring down the evil King Risick – the man who seized control and forced her people into his mines. The man who killed Rhonwyn’s father before her eyes, breaking her heart and fracturing her sanity.
Everything changes when she meets a vibrant man who’s also trapped in the palace. Rhonwyn’s not so alone now and her soul begins to heal. But his dangerous secret forces Rhonwyn to choose between the freedom of her people and the love she’s finally found.
Congratulations Susan!

Lilyn George from ScifiandScary.com announces opens call for new body horror anthology
ScifiandScary.com is the go-to site for Sci-Fi & Horror Reviews, News, and More. READ THE LATEST REVIEWS.
Twisted Anatomy: A SF&S Body Horror Anthology
Sci-Fi & Scary is pleased to announce that we are opening submissions for our first charity anthology, with a goal of publishing in mid-February, 2021. Proceeds will be split between the Pulmonary Hypertension Association and National Domestic Violence Hotline.
For the details of submitting to this anthology CLICK HERE.
Dan Soule’s Neolithica on Sale for 99¢
Some things should stay buried…
The discovery of a young boy’s body, brutally murdered and preserved for thousands of years in a Scottish peat bog, brings with it more than a find of a lifetime for archaeologist Mirin Hassan. After the death of her husband, Mirin wants life to get back to normal for her and her young son. But media attention and professional rivalries become the least of her worries. Something other than cameras followed the corpse back to the university. A malevolent force grows unseen. The weather turns biblical. Violence and death spread beyond the university. Could it be connected with the strange discovery? The city grasps for a rational explanation, but time is up. Chaos has arrived, as Mirin realises some things should stay buried.
Congratulations to all our writers
Please support the writing community by sharing, reading, reviewing, and joining us in the Writers’ Mastermind!
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