The Let’s Get Published website and upcoming online mastermind for writers are all about taking action and actually getting published.
It took me years to have the guts to submit my work, and I regret having wasted so much time beginning to establish my name.
Once I finally began submitting, guess what happened?
I got published!
Within the last year, I had one flash fiction, two short stories, one essay, an interview, and a book review accepted for publication.
Becoming a writer is hard, but not as hard as we make it for ourselves.
I’d like to share with you and amazing resource called Authors Publish. It’s a weekly email that lists the best publishers of books, magazines, ezines, and more. They cover fiction, non-fiction, and poetry!
If you are ready to submit, this list is a huge timesaver. If you are not ready to submit, it’s a great way to explore what publishers are seeking and where you can fit in.
The best part is that it’s free!
Sign up at authorspublish.com
Let me know if you have any luck.
Happy Writing!
P.S. I am in no way affiliated with Authors Publish. It’s a resource that I love and I think will help you in your writing career.
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