Funny, I’ve only just begun reading books specifically on writing. This is one of my first.
The Miracle Morning for Writers (Hal Elrod, Steve Scott, Honoree Corder) is a spin off of The Miracle Morning. I downloaded both books after hearing author Hal Elrod’s interview on my client’s personal development podcast.
I read The Miracle Morning first, implemented its routines, and noticed results immediately. It helped me take action on plans that I had been stalling on for years and gave me the clarity to focus on tasks that really matter to my future. I credit the Miracle Morning for getting me the point point where I am brave enough to start the Writers’ Online Mastermind!
I was eager to see what The Miracle Morning for Writers was all about, especially because the blurb mentioned step-by-step formulas to the business side of writing for both fiction and non-fiction books.
Selling books is the big mystery for most writers. Who doesn’t want to sell more books?
The Miracle Morning for Writers Review
The first 25%-30% of The Miracle Morning for Writers outlines the S.A.V.E.R.S. [Silence (as in Meditation), Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, Scribing (as in Journaling)]. If you’ve read The Miracle Morning first, this will be a rehash of what you’ve already learned with added insights as how these habits can be retooled for writing goals.
These 6 habits done everyday lead to greater wellbeing, better productivity, and help you to take steps every single day to meet your writing goals. I can vouch for this. I have written more in the past few weeks than in the previous months combined.
The focus is on specificity, routine, and commitment. A writer has to make a specific goal, design a routine for writing every day, and stick to that routine to achieve the goal. Then they will learn how to publish and market all the writing they’ve accomplished.
The Miracle Morning for Writers is an easy read with a good mix of science and practical knowledge. It includes plenty of tips for overcoming self-doubt, writers’ block, and procrastination. It’s about treating writing like a job. If you wait for inspiration, free time, or extra energy, you might wait forever.
The last part of the book is the business side. For someone who’s worked in the book world for over 6 years, I was already familiar with most of the information on choosing publishing options, networking, and building an author platform. There won’t be anything earth-shattering for experienced published authors and marketers. However, excellent resources are listed within and it’s a great handbook to keep all the information handy.
The power of The Miracle Morning for Writers is in showing you how to grow into the person you need to be to become the writer you want to be.
- This is the perfect book for someone who is thinking about becoming a serious writer and wants a comprehensive overview of what being a writer today entails.
- It’s also a good book for the seasoned writer who wants to foster their creativity, discipline themselves, and write more than they’ve ever written before.
The Miracle Morning for Writers is on Amazon
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Happy Writing!
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