I’ve been working on a series of novels since 2012.
I take them out, rewrite them, get discouraged, and put them away again.
Every year when I travel, I read them on the plane. I think, Hey, these are not so bad. They’re actually pretty good.
So, I take them out, rewrite them, get discouraged, and put them away again.
I haven’t pitched or released them because they aren’t perfect yet.
But guess what. They never will be.
I’ve published books that I thought had reached perfection, only to read them now and find new things I can improve.
We’ll always be learning and changing.
Perfect is the enemy of good.
So, stop sitting on your story.
Do the work.
Polish the final draft as best you can.
Hit send (if you’re sending to an agent or publisher) or publish (if self-publishing).
Don’t let the mirage of perfection keep stalling you.
It’s a good story.
Pull the trigger.
Happy Writing!
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