Don’t ask why

Don’t ask why

Sometimes we begin writing a story and we think, what the hell is this? What does it all mean? Don’t stop for a second to think about what you are doing. Don’t agonize over how to make your character more complex, or what pithy theme you’re trying to...
Close the loops

Close the loops

Open loops are unfinalized tasks, all that ‘stuff’ you gotta do. They are the perfect distraction from writing and can be used to avoid hard work. Open loops are the BFF of procrastination and hog up valuable RAM in your brain that could be used to power...
About those nasties you write

About those nasties you write

Dear writer, Nothing is more paralyzing than self-censoring before the words hit the page. Some part deep within us applies a filter for Mom, Dad, Grandma, our significant other, our boss, our kids, or future kids that we may or may not ever have! You don’t have to...
We all have those days

We all have those days

Dear writer, We all have those days where it seems hopeless. Our books aren’t selling. Our query letters are rejected. What’s the point? We bleed onto the page and it’s ignored. We’re standing in a corner waiting for someone, anyone to turn around and listen to...