A huge thanks to all the writers who entered Let’s Get Published’s inaugural writing contest! We’ve had incredible entries.
Here is our longlist (in alphabetical order).
The Marunkoff Equation, Victor Acquista
The Nowheres, David Antrobus
Anise and the Wolf, Michelle Blanc
Glass Diamonds, Elinor Clark
Mirror, Mirror, Nolcha Fox
The Perfect Patient, Carolyn Hoffert
The Emperor’s Market, Bushra Ibrahim
Curiosity, Ross Jeffery
Netflix and Connect, Eryn LaPlant
The Bells of Knocknacloch, Piarsaigh McAnton
A Stalker’s Dream F. Vawters McCloud
Another Brick in the Wall, Casey Millette
Skulduggery, John Milligan
His Teeth, My Teeth, Gregg Neville
Must Love Children, Olivia Rizzo
Everyone Must Die, Glenn Smith
The Nostradamus Cookbook, Lawrence Jay Switzer
George Goes Along, Becky Villareal
Unchained, Morgan Wright
In a Pickle, Andy Zach
Congratulations to everyone.
Look forward to our winners to be announced soon!
Wow! I made the longlist….very very cool! Congrats to all my fellow writers, and thanks Christa for putting on such a writing opportunity for us! Let’s Get Publish is smashing it…can’t wait to discover these other writers as I don’t seem to recognise any of the names on the longlist! 👍🏼