You’ve wanted to write all your life.

You have stories to tell.

And you know you have something special that deserves recognition.

You want to find your place in the world of fiction.

But you’re struggling…

How do you get from where you are to where you are meant to be?

The plight of the struggling, solitary writer ENDS NOW.

Get all the resources and support you need to
become a great writer in one place.

With your membership, you will get

  • a short, actionable video series
  • accompanying workbooks and guides
  • bonus materials on the subject for that month
  • access to the instructor
  • private Facebook group
  • critique swaps
  • monthly Zoom mastermind sessions
  • weekly live Zoom write-ins

Learn at your own pace. The entire bank of classes will be available to you at all times.

“The Writers Mastermind has been the leaping stone in my writing. Each month offers a new theme and focus towards the Writers’ Dream. I have found my voice, structure, and have gotten immeasurable feedback on my works.”

Charlotta Amato, Short Story Writer

“Ever since I joined Writers’ Mastermind, I have felt more like a writer and part of a writing family than I ever have before. I have gained confidence in my writing, learned who I am and how I want to be as a writer.”

Clennell Anthony, The Circle

“An empowering mastermind group, definitely the best I have ever been a part of. The warmhearted community is genuinely a reason to get excited and I learn as much from my peers as I do from the exceptional courses.”

Joseph Sale, The Black Gate Series, Save Game

“The classes are awesome. They offer perspective, as well as tips and tricks that many may not have thought of when it comes to not only creating their books, but promoting them. It’s worth much more than what we pay, and that is a total win-win situation.”

Sandra Hould, Future Novelist

“It’s been a boon for me to work and interact with this diverse range of authors. I’ve received fantastic constructive feedback, friendly motivation and support through the struggles in my writing process, and accountability to keep me focused on critical tasks.”

S.M. Fedor, Band-Aid for a Bullet Wound, Better People

Take your creative life to the next level.