by | Apr 24, 2020 | Dear Writer, Member News, Uncategorized
Hello all you wonderful writers. Amazing things have been going down at Let’s Get Published. We had our Mixer Parties and finally had a chance to speak with those writers we’ve been texting, commenting, and emailing for years. It’s truly remarkable...
by | Apr 14, 2020 | Dear Writer, Uncategorized
Originally published on The Writing Cooperative. Most of us have experienced true fear or anxiety on some level — whether it was a close scrape with danger, a rollercoaster ride, or the general anxiety our brains subject us too. But with coronavirus, we are all facing...
by | Mar 9, 2020 | Dear Writer
Originally published in The Writing Cooperative. As a writer, I know the submissions process can be a huge mental and emotional drain. Not only is it time-consuming and tedious, there are the nail-biting weeks or months afterward waiting for an answer. If the answer...
by | Mar 5, 2020 | Dear Writer, Uncategorized
Just and FYI in case you didn’t know, today is the first #Pitmad of 2020. If you have a completed manuscript ready to go, don’t miss the opportunity to pitch it to agents and publishers on Twitter. All the details are below. Good luck! Christa What is...
by | Feb 19, 2020 | Dear Writer, Member News
Hi Writers (with a capital ‘W’). We’re getting ready to launch the Writers’ Mastermind, and as part of connecting our writing community, we’ll be sharing the latest accomplishments of our members. Today, we share groundbreaking book...
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