by | Mar 9, 2021 | Dear Writer, Uncategorized
By Christa Wojciechowski Right now, in the Writer’s Mastermind online writing group, we’re focusing on time and energy management for writers and designing a lifestyle that helps us produce our best work. During the past few weeks, I have experimented with...
by | Mar 2, 2021 | Author Planning, Dear Writer, Uncategorized
Indie Author Basics with Yecheilyah Ysrayl With the current Pandemic ravaging the world, realizing the value of Indie Publishing, social media, and doing business online is apparent now more than ever. A lot of brick and mortar bookstores are closed, and some will not...
by | Feb 25, 2021 | Author Planning, Dear Writer, Masterclasses, Uncategorized
Are you tired of something always getting in the way of you accomplishing your creative goals? Creativity enhances wellbeing, fulfillment, connection and balance in your life, so make time for it! No one is going to decide on priorities, plan out your schedule,...
by | Feb 23, 2021 | Dear Writer, Opinion
By Joseph Sale There’s a spectre haunting us that’s making its presence more and more known. At first, I dismissed my awareness of this wraith, thinking it was perhaps simply a trick of nostalgia, or changing tastes. Every generation, after all, cannot help but hanker...
by | Feb 16, 2021 | Dear Writer
By J.A. Cox Have you ever wondered why writers block is such a difficulty to get past? I will tell you the reason—you can’t write what you can’t see. It sounds quite simple right? In other words, the real secret to unblocking writers block is remembering the...
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