by | May 4, 2021 | Dear Writer, Uncategorized
Are you having trouble finding fiction writing critique groups that actually help you? One of the most effective ways to become a better fiction writer is to get feedback from fellow authors. Introducing THE CHAIR (beta) What is THE CHAIR? The Chair is a weekly live...
by | Apr 27, 2021 | Dear Writer, Motivation
by Christa Wojciechowski For all the things we humans talk about, we are far more interesting for the things we don’t talk about. A small fraction of our thoughts are ever said out loud. The rest of them ricochet inside our heads. We step quietly around...
by | Apr 26, 2021 | Dear Writer, Member Monday, Member News, Uncategorized
Watch Bia Bella Baker talk about her new YA Sci-fi Fantasy on YouTube Each week, we are going to introduce you to a writer from the Writers’ Mastermind. Today, we have Bia Bella Baker, author of YA Sci-fi Fantasy Hecctrossipy, which is FREE on Amazon for the...
by | Apr 20, 2021 | Author Planning, Dear Writer, Masterclasses, Uncategorized
by Cristia HJ Last month, we enjoyed an insightful webinar with coach, podcaster, and author Christie Adams on Time Management for Writers. And in this post, I bring you a glimpse of the most valuable tips we learned from her. At the Writers’ Mastermind Group, a new...
by | Apr 13, 2021 | Dear Writer, Grammar Demystified, Self-editing, Uncategorized
By Candace Johnson from Change It Up Edit An appositive is a modifier. It’s a noun or noun phrase that immediately follows another noun or noun phrase to further define it. You probably use appositives all the time without even realizing it....
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